[R-SIG-Mac] APFS report

Bob Rudis bob at rud.is
Wed Sep 28 02:55:25 CEST 2016

I finally had some cycles to format a few spare external drives as APFS

I didn't expect R to behave badly and I was proven correct that it works
with directories & files on APFS volumes equally as well as it's HFS+

You have to use command-line tools to format APFS volumes and Apple makes
sure you know that all your data might disappear, so I don't expect folks
will be using it any time soon.

There are many very appealing features of the new filesystem, but for macOS
folk the biggest one is going to be case-sensitivity. Again, thankfully R
operates at a layer that makes this not an issue.

I'll be moving about 4 TB of data to APFS volumes this week and giving it a
good stress test. If there are any issues that aren't Apple's issues, I'll
post an update.


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