[R-SIG-Mac] CRAN Mac OS build of packages that depend on GO.db

Prof Brian Ripley ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Wed Apr 1 15:36:17 CEST 2015

As the CRAN policies say

'Questions about binary packages should be addressed to those 
responsible for building them: Simon Urbanek (OS X) and Uwe Ligges 
(Windows); email addresses ‘First.Lastname at R-project.org’.'

On 01/04/2015 00:15, Peter Langfelder wrote:
> Hi all,
> I hope the maintainer (Simon Urbanek?) of the CRAN Mac OS build system
> reads this - the GO.db package used by the CRAN Mac OS X build machine
> seems to be out of date (or perhaps the bioconductor installation is
> broken). The check log of WGCNA (which depends on GO.db) says:
> Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'GO.db', details:
>    call: match.arg(synchronous, c("off", "normal", "full"))
>    error: 'arg' must be NULL or a character vector
> ERROR: lazy loading failed for package ‘WGCNA’
> Apparently this issue arises from an incompatibility of older GO.db
> with new RSQLite 1.0.0, see this thread
> https://support.bioconductor.org/p/63555/
> Can you please check that the bioconductor installation is up to date?
> Thanks,
> Peter

Brian D. Ripley,                  ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Emeritus Professor of Applied Statistics, University of Oxford
1 South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3TG, UK

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