[R-SIG-Mac] R 3.1.2 & Yosemite GUI slowness

Wed Nov 5 09:41:32 CET 2014

Hi again,

I’ve just run two following tests.

1. Clean install of 3.1.2

Printing the following data.frame:
> dim(ciq)
[1] 41888    11

> system.time(print(ciq[, 1:4]))

      transaction_id         lat         long           accuracy
1      IQTR254385851  38.3486214  -81.6408805        APPROXIMATE
24999   IQTR32342347  29.7481268  -95.4801119        APPROXIMATE
 [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 16889 rows ]
   user  system elapsed
  9.814   0.066   9.852

Obviously, once all this is on the console, it becomes very slow and unresponsive.

2. Downgrading to 3.1.1:

Same data.frame
> dim(ciq)
[1] 41888    11

> system.time(print(ciq[, 1:4]))
      transaction_id         lat         long           accuracy
1      IQTR254385851  38.3486214  -81.6408805        APPROXIMATE
24999   IQTR32342347  29.7481268  -95.4801119        APPROXIMATE
 [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 16889 rows ]
   user  system elapsed
  2.243   0.035   2.351

No lags at all even with console full of output…

Hope this helps.


Associate Professor of Finance
EMLYON Business School
Tel.: +33 4 72 18 29 11
E-mail: alperovych at em-lyon.com<mailto:alperovych at em-lyon.com>

LinkedIN: fr.linkedin.com/in/yanalperovych/<http://fr.linkedin.com/in/yanalperovych/>

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