[R-SIG-Mac] Phantom Text

Joseph Coyle coylejp at cardiff.ac.uk
Mon Jan 21 00:27:17 CET 2013


Regarding the phantom text problem I have had a poke around the subversion tree and found that the bug was introduced in the subversion commit from 28 August 2012 10:02:49 GMT+01:00.   Specifically the method:  - (void)textStorageDidProcessEditing:(NSNotification *)notification from RScriptEditorTextView was altered to comment out the if statement shown below which serves to interrupt the syntax highlighting on large text blocks to improve performance. 

		if([[theTextStorage string] length] > 120000) {
			breakSyntaxHighlighting = 1;

The line below was then added presumably as a temporary test. 

breakSyntaxHighlighting = 1;

If the previous line is removed from the latest sources it eliminates the phantom text problem.   Although this appears to be the root of the problem I have not yet discovered why the first token parsed is emitted on stdout when this option is set, perhaps this indicates that there is another bug lurking somewhere.


Joseph Coyle 

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