[R-SIG-Mac] finding things in R manuals

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Fri Feb 3 13:05:46 CET 2012

On 12-02-03 6:37 AM, Ruth Ripley wrote:
> I prefer Adobe reader's directory search. But I don't have the
> up-to-date set of pdf manuals on my computer. I can do an easy global
> search of the html manuals with text wrangler but I then have to read
> html. I am thinking I will have to start building my own R just to get
> the ability to build the manual pdf's.

They are also available for download from CRAN, though you won't get the 
Mac OSX FAQ.  See the "Documentation" link on the left.

I forget whether there's a way to add items to the menu, but you can 
certainly write a function to pick one and open it, e.g.

doc <- function(manual=file.choose()) {
   system(paste('open', manual))

Duncan Murdoch

> Ruth
> On 03/02/2012 01:14, David Winsemius wrote:
>> On Feb 2, 2012, at 2:37 PM, Ruth Ripley wrote:
>>> Dear list,
>>> Would it be possible to include the pdf versions of the R manuals in
>>> the CRAN mac R install? I find them easier to global search than html
>>> ones. (I am used to having them on Windows.)
>> I generally copy the link to the html and paste them into my browser.
>> The search in the default GUI-invoked help panel doesn't handle
>> punctuation or revisions to searches at all well. The text get
>> overwritten in the bottom entry slot and I don't think the
>> search-revisions actually occur.
>>> Regards,
>>> Ruth
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>> David Winsemius, MD
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