[R-SIG-Mac] Lion
Simon Urbanek
simon.urbanek at r-project.org
Sat Jul 23 21:43:34 CEST 2011
On Jul 23, 2011, at 2:11 PM, Federico Calboli wrote:
> On 23 Jul 2011, at 00:44, Simon Urbanek wrote:
>> Since I got a few private e-mails concerning Lion, this is just to say that nothing changed since the last Lion post here a while ago (you'll still have to open Quartz explicitly in command line R).
>> R works out of the box and you have the choice of using the CRAN Fortran (/usr/local) or the Xcode 4.1 add-on.
> Just as a note: I installed the fortran compiler from
> http://r.research.att.com/tools/
> (the gfortran 4.2.3)
> and, on my SL machine it was installed in /usr/bin,
Yes, obviously, since you installed the Xcode add-on, not the CRAN Fortran. Also this is somewhat off-topic since my post was about Lion ...
> not /usr/local:
> pkgutil --file-info /usr/bin/gfortran
> volume: /
> path: /usr/bin/gfortran <<<<<<<---- *not /usr/local/*
> pkgid: org.r-project.gnuFortran42.usr.pkg
> pkg-version: 5664
> install-time: 1310405109
> uid: 501
> gid: 0
> mode: 755
> I would not know if it matters anyway, pkgutil --files org.r-project.gnuFortran42.usr.pkg will tell me where all the files are if I want to delete them.
>> In addition, Lion users are encouraged to install R 2.13.1 from CRAN (or re-install if you upgraded from SL) since it is Lion-aware (yes, even though it was released before Lion ;)). It re-enables vecLib BLAS as it seems the Mac Pro issue has been fixed in Lion.
> does this apply to gfortran and tcl/tk, i.e. should they be reinstalled?
No, only R.
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