[R-SIG-Mac] GUI bracket-matching and window positioning

Hans-Jörg Bibiko bibiko at eva.mpg.de
Thu Jul 14 20:45:16 CEST 2011

Hi Tim,

thanks for the report.

On 14 Jul 2011, at 17:30, Tim Cole wrote:

> 1. I'm curious what determines where new editor and quartz windows are positioned. Usually editor windows appear in the middle of my screen, and successive windows in the session shift down and to the right. My impression is that the last window position is remembered between sessions. Is there a way to reset the position of the initial window?

For R Script Editor windows we're using Cocoa's default setting of remembering the last opened window position. It's not ideal but we're working on a better solution including the chance to ignore remembering the last position.

> 2. Quartz windows always open bottom left on my screen, irrespective of the preference setting. I've mentioned this before, but the behaviour has not changed. Am I altering the preference setting incorrectly, or is it broken?

Unfortunately it seems that this setting is broken. We're trying to fix it.

> 3. I'm much enjoying the new gui editor. I've noticed that the following arcane bit of code defeats the bracket balancer, because some of the brackets are quoted and others aren't. Note that all the quote characters are single quotes.
>    b <- 'b+c'
>    paste('(a', ifelse(!is.null(b), paste('-(', b, '))', sep=''), ')'), sep='')

This was fixed in revision 5879 :)

Kind regards,

Hans-Joerg Bibiko
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Department of Linguistics
Deutscher Platz 6     phone:   +49 (0) 341 3550 341
D-04103 Leipzig       fax:     +49 (0) 341 3550 333
Germany               e-mail:  bibiko[-at-]eva.mpg.de

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