[R-SIG-Mac] Finding package files

Murray Jorgensen maj at waikato.ac.nz
Fri Feb 4 01:57:58 CET 2011

Thank you to David, John, Benilton and Jorge!

.Library and system.file() are tools I will remember. (Rash statement at 
my age.)


Dr Murray Jorgensen      http://www.stats.waikato.ac.nz/Staff/maj.html
Department of Statistics, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
Email: maj at waikato.ac.nz    majorgensen at ihug.co.nz      Fax 7 838 4155
Phone  +64 7 838 4773 wk    Home +64 7 825 0441   Mobile 021 0200 8350

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