[R-SIG-Mac] How close to the bleeding edge?

Eric Ditwiler eric_ditwiler at hmc.edu
Fri Jul 2 23:21:55 CEST 2010

I like to do all my upgrades at once and then leave well enough alone for a while.

My hard drive died so I had them put 10.6.4 on my iMac when they resurrected it.

After some finagling my guys were able to get rattle to run with GTK 2.18.5 under R64 2.11.

I was able to get lattistist to run under rattle but not rggobi--though regular GGobi runs.

My guys want me to go back to 32 bit R2.10 but I am inclined to think that this will sort itself out in the next few months.

Does anyone have any insights on how long it takes to make everything play together nicely?

Eric Ditwiler
Director, Academic Operations
Harvey Mudd College

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