[R-SIG-Mac] R 2.10.1, OSX 10.4.11, and maybe a firewall

Simon Urbanek simon.urbanek at r-project.org
Sun Jan 17 18:14:13 CET 2010

On Jan 16, 2010, at 2:27 PM, Carl Witthoft wrote:

> <quote>
> As Simon said, 2.10.1 on Tiger 10.4.11 fixed annoying bugs related to help
> and syntax error messages which make the old 2.10.0 unusable
> on my 10.4.11 PPC.
> Now, all is fine
> Phil from Belgium
> </quote>
> Wish I could say the same.  Status for me remains as before: even in a new, "clean" user account, the help window is blank, and if I invoke the "fuzzy logic" window the list of matches shows but clicking on one does nothing.
> If I use help({something}, help_type="text"),  I get the text help window with the full help info.  (and help.start() does bring up a fully working browser page whose 'search' link works just fine)
> Can you suggest anything else I can try?  If it does have something to do with web help and the firewall I'm behind at work,  is there a console log or some other file I could dredge up for info?

One of the issues is that the built-in browsers don't show errors. So one way to go about this is to enable the external browser (in Terminal):

defaults write org.R-project.R use.external.help YES

Then use the help and see what it says. To revert back to the built0in help, you can use
defaults delete org.R-project.R use.external.help 


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