[R-SIG-Mac] Questions regarding R + Aquamacs + ESS

johannes rara johannesraja at gmail.com
Sat Sep 19 09:34:47 CEST 2009


I have few questions regarding R 2.9.2 + Aquamacs + ESS. I'm moving
from WinXP to Mac (Snow Leopard 10.6.1) and also from Tinn-R to
Aquamacs (1.8c).

1. Is there syntax highlighting in Aqaumacs? Now when I open .R file
only the lines starting with comment mark (#), quoted words etc. are
shown in color. What about R:s reserved words? In Tinn-R these words
where shown blue. Is there this kind of functionality in Aquamacs?

2. When I evaluate an area of R code (send it to R), I press C-c C-r.
If the area is e.g. 50 lines, I would like that the cursor in the ESS
windows goes into an end (like pressing C-c M-r) and I don't have to
jump back into the code window. How can I achieve this?

3. It seems to bit complicated to keep pressing C-c all the time, is
there a way to make a shortcut key (e.g when pressing Alt-S an area of
code is sent to ESS-window (into R)

4. Is there a way to split code window and ESS-window (R) vertically
(side to side)? The default split is horizontally.



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