[R-SIG-Mac] R.app intractable history problem
David Winsemius
dwinsemius at comcast.net
Wed Nov 4 23:04:14 CET 2009
On Nov 4, 2009, at 12:28 PM, Loren Engrav wrote:
> I also found the R.app management of .Rhistory difficult to understand
> Finally gave up trying to understand and did this
> In 64 bit R on Mac Pro
> Checked Read history file on startup
> Then entered ~/.engravRhistory in the R history file: AND HIT RETURN
> (whole things fails if you do not hit return)
> Checked Cleanup history entries
> Now have visible file called engravRhistory.Rhistory in home folder
> and
> history loads Ok at startup
> Is not pretty but am no longer fiddling with history file and losing
> command
> history
> Then in 32 bit on MacBook Pro
> Did same thing but here the file is named .engravRhistory and is
> invisible,
> but still works
There are several Terminal incantations that will make the default for
Finder.app to display hidden files. Apparently you have your desktop
machine set to one style and the other is still in the default mode.
Here's how to change it. From a Terminal window:
defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
And then restart the Finder with option-click on the Funder icon and
choose relaunch. (or an alternative in the Terminal session would be
to type: killall Finder )
The reverse effect is obtained by repeating with NO instead of YES.
> The "hit return" after entering the path/name might be what you are
> missing
> All assuming you have done nothing with .Rprofile
David Winsemius, MD
Heritage Laboratories
West Hartford, CT
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