[R-SIG-Mac] Scripting R

Emiliano Guevara emiguevara at gmail.com
Thu Jan 29 20:28:13 CET 2009


maybe my reply will be too foolish... but I'll try anyway!

Can't you just use .CSV as an interface format between any spreadsheet
software and R?

That makes data sharing really very simple by using read.csv and
read.csv2 to get the data into R, and then write.csv and write.csv2
to save for the spreadsheet.

I imagine you can easily make an Applescript wrapper to make the
transition look a lot more like a GUI feature...
but then, why on earth would you need to use something like Excel
when you are already using R???

anyway, good luck!


On Jan 29, 2009, at 17:03 PM, Christian Prinoth wrote:

> Hi,
> is there something similar to rcom on OSX? I understand that R for OSX
> has some limited applescript support, but I was wondering if there  
> is an
> easy way to share data with other applications. My ultimate goal would
> be to use R together with a spreadsheet as I can currently do on  
> windows
> with R, rcom and Excel.
> Thanks
> Christian Prinoth <cp at epsilonsgr.it>
> Epsilon SGR
> +39-02-88102355

Emiliano R. Guevara
Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies -- University of Oslo
PO Box 1102 Blindern, 0317 Oslo, Norway
   emiguevara at gmail.com

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