[R-SIG-Mac] Do Darwinports and R play nice on Tiger?

Simon Urbanek simon.urbanek at r-project.org
Sun Sep 7 15:38:50 CEST 2008

On Sep 7, 2008, at 8:54 AM, Douglas Bates wrote:

> I would like to install gnucash on a Macbook running OS X 10.5.4.   
> It appears that I would need either Fink or Darwinports installed to  
> install gnucash.  Because my past experiences with Fink have not  
> been positive I am considering installing Darwinports.  However, I  
> notice that they want me to override many system libraries with  
> their versions of the libraries (http://gnucash.darwinports.com/install/ 
> ). Am I likely to cause problems with R running on this system if I  
> do so?

As long as you are using CRAN binary you should be fine (also assuming  
that you [or DarwinPorts] won't mess with DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH). Problems  
start when DP installs any compilers and puts them on the PATH. Even  
more problems start if you try to use the R build from DP. Mixing R  
and DP for packages is not a good idea.
In general, make sure you have control over your startup files so you  
can enable/disable DP at will (this also applies to Fink).


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