[R-SIG-Mac] quartz fonts

David Airey david.airey at Vanderbilt.Edu
Sun Oct 12 23:50:59 CEST 2008

I'm having problems printing a PDF via LaTeX that was created in R for  
OS X (latest versions). The package that created the files was akima;  
that's probably irrelevant. I can't print the PDFs from Preview when  
they are in a LaTeX generated PDF, although I can print them in their  
original form. The files are temporarily at


in the bad_pdf directory. I'm printing to an HP Laserjet (1320). The  
PS error is complaining about ArialMT as far as I can tell. But when I  
read help for quartz(), the top of the help file says,

this is the family name of the font that will be used by the device.  
Default "Helvetica".

and the bottom of the help file says,

The default font family is Arial.

So which is it? And why when I use quartz.options(family="Arial",  
reset=TRUE), do quartz() devices not respect my command? All resulting  
graphs still look like Helvetica. Could this be the problem with  
printing PDFs? Why is the GUI preferences for changing the font there  
but one cannot alter the font?

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