[R-SIG-Mac] Installing multiple architectures for a package

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Thu Nov 27 15:19:56 CET 2008

On Nov 27, 2008, at 12:22 AM, Steven McKinney wrote:

> I have Leopard on my Mac (sessionInfo below), and 16GB RAM,
> and mountains of data to process.  So having 64-bit capability
> allows me to get lots of processing done that would otherwise
> be painful.
> I use a lot of Bioconductor packages, but they are not
> providing ppc64 architecture with their binaries.

Have you tried installing what you need? I was asked offlist whether  
there would be any point in installing the 64 bit version by someone  
who was using selected portions of the bioconductor suite. The entire  
biocLite superpackage installed from binaries under my 64bit GUI  
installation without complaint and ran a brief test suite. I still am  
not having that same error free installation with Harrell's Design and  
Hmisc combo however.

If someone on the list has had a go at figuring out what is stopping  
the Design and Hmisc packages from compiling, I would be interested.

David Winsemius

> In a recent email (Nov 6, 2008 - inserted at end of this
> email) you kindly offered to compile BioC packages
> so that ppc64 architecture would be available.  Will
> you be able to offer this?  If so, where will those
> binary packages containing ppc64 architecture be
> found - at your website or Bioconductor?
> If not, then I need to figure all this out.
> It is very convenient to install the bulk of
> packages via the R.app package installer, but
> then I have to do the ppc64 architecture additionally.

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