[R-SIG-Mac] lib location different between GUI and terminal?

Simon Urbanek simon.urbanek at r-project.org
Tue May 20 17:22:44 CEST 2008

On May 20, 2008, at 11:05 AM, Ingmar Visser wrote:

> Hi all,
> I just installed a package using the GUI and install.packages( etc)
> The I opened the terminal and ran R from there and tried to load the
> package which
> returned with an error saying the package was not available which
> seemed strange to me.
> ?install.packages says that the default location for installing
> packages is
> .libPaths()[1]
> but this turns out to be different in the GUI:
> "/Users/ivisser/Library/R/2.7/library"

Apparently you told the GUI to set it, see R -> Preferences -> Startup  
-> Default Library Paths

That setting is often used by users that either don't have admin  
privileges or want to keep their set of packages separate from the  
system ones. The default is off, so you must have enabled it at some  


> then when R is run from the terminal, which gives:
>> .libPaths()[1]
> [1] "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/library"
> Is this caused by my settings or is this default behavior? (I don't
> remember
> ever having this problem before).
> Best, Ingmar
> Ingmar Visser
> Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam
> Roetersstraat 15
> 1018 WB Amsterdam
> The Netherlands
> t: +31-20-5256723
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