[R-SIG-Mac] Title Problem exporting Graphic

Miguel Leal miguelcleal at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 22:40:01 CET 2008


I've recently started using R for Mac. Today I had a problem and I  
didn't know how to solve, that's why I'm sending this mail. Here  it is:
  I was exporting my graph to a .pdf file. The graph's title was  
"Temperature (ºC)" in the command window and at Quartz window, but  
when I exported it to a .pdf the title became "Temperature (ºC)".  
I've tried to export the graphic as a .jpeg or .png but the problem  
remained. I don't know if it's a bug or if it's normal.

Can anyone help me? Or tell me how to solve this problem if there is  

Thank you Very much
Miguel Leal

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