[R-SIG-Mac] problem with X11() after install of 2.7.0.

Joerg van den Hoff j.van_den_hoff at fzd.de
Wed Apr 30 17:42:38 CEST 2008

On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 05:32:45PM +0200, Jean Thioulouse wrote:
> At 10:55 AM -0400 4/30/08, Simon Urbanek wrote:
> >Ancient system? As a very first step for your own good I'd recommend 
> >updating your system which is way out of date (the current version 
> >Tiger is 10.4.11). Then if the issue persists, please report your 
> >full sessionInfo() and machine used. The above works without 
> >problems on both 10.5.2 and 10.4.11 (Mac Pro and iMac).
> I had the same (?) problem after upgrading to R 2.7.0 on a MacPro with
> MacOS 10.5.2, using XQuartz instead of Apple X11. I didn't try
> to dig it as I decided to start using the quartz device (very good job)
> instead.
> The x11 device has no problem with tcltk though, and even with tkrplot.
> Jean

thanks for this information. so at least there seems to be a
reall issue (though I'm still under Tiger  wit  Apple's  X11
and I don't see bus errors )


> > sessionInfo()
> R version 2.7.0 (2008-04-22) 
> i386-apple-darwin9.2.2 
> locale:
> en_US/en_US/C/C/en_US/en_US
> attached base packages:
> [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  tcltk     methods  
> [8] base     
> other attached packages:
> [1] ade4TkGUI_0.2-2 ade4_1.4-7     
> > x11()
> > plot(0)
>  *** caught bus error ***
> address 0xac, cause 'non-existent physical address'
> Traceback:
>  1: axis(side = side, at = at, labels = labels, ...)
>  2: Axis.default(...)
>  3: Axis(...)
>  4: localAxis(xy$x, side = 1, ...)
>  5: plot.default(0)
>  6: plot(0)
> Possible actions:
> 1: abort (with core dump, if enabled)
> 2: normal R exit
> 3: exit R without saving workspace
> 4: exit R saving workspace
> Selection: 1
> aborting ...
> Bus error
> Informations matériel :
>   Nom du modèle :	Mac Pro
>   Identifiant du modèle :	MacPro1,1
>   Nom du processeur :	Dual-Core Intel Xeon
>   Vitesse du processeur :	2.66 GHz
>   Nombre de processeurs :	2
>   Nombre total de c¦urs :	4
>   Cache de niveau 2 (par processeur) :	4 Mo
>   Mémoire :	4 Go
>   Vitesse du bus :	1.33 GHz
>   Version de la ROM de démarrage :	MP11.005C.B08
>   Version SMC :	1.7f10
>   Numéro de série :	CK7270APUPZ
> -- 
> Jean Thioulouse - Labo Biometrie et Biologie Evolutive,  UMR CNRS 5558
> Universite Lyon 1, Batiment Mendel,   43 Boulevard du 11 Novembre 1918
> 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex - France    http://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/JTHome/
> Tel : (33) (0)4 72 43 27 56                Fax : (33) (0)4 72 43 13 88

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