[R-SIG-Mac] Feedback to Apple?

Paul Roebuck roebuck at mdanderson.org
Wed Mar 21 18:50:01 CET 2007

On Wed, 21 Mar 2007, Simon Urbanek wrote:

> >> On Tue, Mar 20, 2007, Geoffrey Hutchison wrote:
> >>>
> >>> I'm currently serving as a committee member at MacResearch.org, a
> >>> website devoted to science, math, and statistics on Macs. In about
> >>> two weeks, we'll be visiting Apple to talk about issues, needs,
> >>> desires of science users and developers:
> >>> http://www.macresearch.org/
> >>> macresearch_science_related_requests_for_apple
> >>> [SNIP]
> >>> What feedback can I pass along?
> [SNIP X11 comments]
> Concerning R itself, my only worry (and a big headache)
> is the lack of Fortran support in Xcode. We have to
> install parallel compilers and system libraries which
> is a maintenance nightmare...

To be fair, I don't expect Apple to officially support
Fortran. It WOULD be really nice, if they made sure they
didn't break the G95 compiler with their other GCC changes
and provided it unsupported as an optional Xcode tool from
available on their developer website.

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