[R-SIG-Mac] compilers for R-2.5.0

Simon Urbanek simon.urbanek at r-project.org
Fri Apr 6 05:56:42 CEST 2007

On Apr 5, 2007, at 9:07 PM, Kasper Daniel Hansen wrote:

> R-2.5.0 is soon to be released. From comments on this mailing list  
> it seems that the default compiler will move from a custom install  
> of GCC-4.0.3/gfortran to the version of GCC 4.0.1 supplied with  
> Xcode 2.4.1 together with a gfortran compiler from say  
> hpc.sourceforge.
> In preparation for the new release, would it be possible to release  
> the compiler specifications (especially the gfortran build, if what  
> I assume above is correct). I would like to start to test build R  
> and my packages/code and it does not make sense to do so with the  
> wrong compilers.

Please read the R for Mac website (http://r.research.att.com/) - it  
has all the details (for some time now). Specifically go to


to get the recommended gfortran compiler (if you package contains  
Fortran code or you want to build your own R). This is also the  
compiler that is used for the R-2.5.0 alpha builds that are available  
from the same site and hopefully people are testing it by now ;). The  
HPC compiler doesn't work for us, because it's not universal.


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