[R-SIG-Mac] copy/paste problems

Christoph Hofer christoph.hofer at env.ethz.ch
Mon Nov 13 18:14:04 CET 2006

The X11 application shows the same behavior as the Terminal  
application does, which means i can only paste a limited number os rows.
I also tried to copy the code in different editors with the same  
results. I only can paste a certain number of rows of the R code.



Am 13.11.2006 um 16:27 schrieb stefano iacus:

> I've experienced this in the past as well.
> What I've noticed (although not able to reproduce anything now) is  
> that this problem occurs in the definition of a function or when  
> there is a for-loop. I mean in between { } in such two cases.
> It is like some escape char is passed to (or by) the Terminal.app  
> and the R parser raise an error.
> I think Simon is right. Could you try to copy and paste to R from  
> xterm shell ? (X11.app, new terminal and then paste)
> Another test: try to copy and paste from a different editor to see  
> if it always happens at the same line.
> stefano
> On 13/nov/06, at 23:45, Christoph Hofer wrote:
>> Dear Simon
>> I think the problem is in R (or how I configured it). If  i open an
>> Terminal
>> i can paste so many lines i want. But when i start R the the  
>> number of
>> the lines is limited.
>> Best Regards
>> Christoph
>> Am 13.11.2006 um 15:29 schrieb Simon Urbanek:
>>> On Nov 13, 2006, at 5:28 AM, Christoph Hofer wrote:
>>>> Hello
>>>> I have the following problem:
>>>> I installed R by source (version 2.3.1, OS X 10.4.8)
>>>> ./configure --with-blas=-framework vecLib --with-tcltk --with- 
>>>> lapack
>>>> --with-x --enable-R-shlib --enable-R-framework --with-readline --
>>>> with-
>>>> aqua
>>>> make
>>>> I use R as command line interface in the OS X terminal. Now when I
>>>> copy some R-code into the terminal, i only can paste some 38  
>>>> rows of
>>>> the code
>>>> . Then R hangs, which mean that i can not paste more than 38  
>>>> rows of
>>>> R code into the R application running in the terminal.
>>>> Does someone have the same problem or has a solution?
>>> I have encountered a similar problem at times - the number of lines
>>> is not fixed, it depends on the text and it doesn't always happen.
>>> The problem is in the Terminal application, not R (i.e. you get the
>>> same problem with other applications run in the Terminal). You may
>>> want to use the R GUI instead which doesn't have such limitation.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Simon
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