[R-SIG-Mac] Mac or Windows...?

Derrick J -Rick- Bates DJ.Rick.Bates at PNL.gov
Fri Nov 10 18:41:45 CET 2006

	Not results from a MacBook Pro (Intel)

	and very limited testing results

	but a PowerMac Quad G5 (2.5 GHz)

	took about twice as long to run one program

	as a Dell WS 670 Quad Xeon (2.8 GHz)

	Your Mileage May/Will Vary

At 2006-11-10 08:22 -0800, Carlos GUERRA wrote:

>Dear friends,
>I'm thinking about buying a MacBook Pro and I wanted to know if anyone can
>tell me what are the major changes, in "R", between a Mac, and a Windows.
>Thanks for all
>Carlos GUERRA
>Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo
>Escola Superior Agrária de Ponte de Lima
>Mosteiro de Refóios do Lima
>4990-706 Ponte de Lima


  Derrick J. (Rick) Bates              | mailto:DJ.Rick.Bates at PNL.gov
  Statistical Sciences                 | http://www.PNL.gov/Statistics
  Sigma 2/524 , MSIN K6-08             |     Voice: 509.375.2740
  Pac-NW National Lab (PNNL), Battelle |       FAX: 509.375.2604
  P.O. Box 999, Richland, WA 99352 US  |  ALL POSSIBLE DISCLAIMERS

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