[R-SIG-Mac] rgdal : load failure :-(

massimosisasha massimosisasha at yahoo.it
Thu May 18 12:59:56 CEST 2006

hi. i've installed rgdal on R-2.2   on a osx10.4.6
but when itry to load the package i've this error message :

 > library(rgdal)
Errore in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) :
	impossibile caricare libreria condivisa '/Library/Frameworks/ 
libs/rgdal.so, 6): Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libgdal.1.dylib
   Referenced from: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/library/ 
   Reason: image not found
Errore in library(rgdal) : .First.lib fallita per 'rgdal'
Errore in Sys.putenv(PROJ_LIB = .rgdal_old.PROJ_LIB) :
	oggetto ".rgdal_old.PROJ_LIB" non trovato

can you helme please?
Thanks a lot !

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