[R-SIG-Mac] Error: package 'RODBC' was built for universal-apple-darwin8.6.1

Simon Urbanek simon.urbanek at r-project.org
Thu Jul 6 15:48:41 CEST 2006


On Jul 5, 2006, at 11:43 AM, Randall C. Johnson [Contr] wrote:

> I recently installed RODBC (binary) on my G4 PowerBook, and I am  
> not able to load the library (I thought I had it working at one  
> point). I also tried installing from source, but I have other  
> issues there... Any ideas? I did upgrade to 10.4.7 this morning,  
> could that have something to do with it?
>> library(RODBC) # binary installation
> Error: package 'RODBC' was built for universal-apple-darwin8.6.1

It seems that you have compiled R from sources as non-universal  
binary, so you're pretty much on your own, because that is not  
compatible with the CRAN binary of R.

>> library(RODBC) # source installation
> Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) :
>     unable to load shared library
> '/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.3/Resources/library/ 
> RODBC/libs/R ODBC.so':
> dlopen(/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.3/Resources/ 
> library/RODBC/libs/RODBC.so, 6): Symbol not found: _libintl_dgettext

Pretty much the same answer - try re-compiling R and RODBC (also  
don't forget to delete the previously installed binary package!).  
According to the log you're using fink which supplies its own libintl  
so my guess would be that it's one of the problems. It's not uncommon  
that things break in fink after OS updates, but that's just a wild  
guess, so you may want to update your fink as well (or don't use it  
for R - sometimes it causes more harm than good due to compiler issues).

If you want to avoid having to compile everything yourself, my actual  
recommendation would be to use the CRAN binary to avoid problems like  
that, so you can use binary packages.


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