[R-SIG-Mac] RMySQL and MySQL 5.0

Christopher Fonnesbeck chris at trichech.us
Fri Jan 13 18:14:57 CET 2006

Has anyone managed to get RMySQL working with MySQL 5.0? I have  
successfully built and installed the module, but run into an error  
when loading:

 > library(RMySQL)
Loading required package: DBI
Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) :
	unable to load shared library '/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/ 
libs/RMySQL.so, 6): Symbol not found: _fprintf$LDBLStub
   Referenced from: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/library/ 
   Expected in: flat namespace
Error in library(RMySQL) : .First.lib failed for 'RMySQL'

Christopher J. Fonnesbeck

Population Ecologist, Marine Mammal Section
Fish & Wildlife Research Institute (FWC)
St. Petersburg, FL

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Warnell School of Forest Resources
University of Georgia
Athens, GA

T: 727.235.5570
E: chris at trichech.us

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