[R-SIG-Mac] Rgraphviz installation problem

Rob J Goedman goedman at mac.com
Mon Aug 21 17:34:17 CEST 2006

Below (graphviz1.out) the dylibs that get loaded.  And the file I  
sourced in. The plot(g1, "dot")
produced the usual plot (until now I have always been using version  
Graphviz-2.3), the
plot(g1, "neato") causes the bus error/invalid address.


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On Aug 21, 2006, at 8:03 AM, Simon Urbanek wrote:

> FWIW: if you want to know which dylibs get loaded, start R like this:
> Seth, which architecture are you using (ppc/i386)?
> Cheers,
> S
> On Aug 21, 2006, at 10:45 AM, Seth Falcon wrote:
>> Rob J Goedman <goedman at mac.com> writes:
>>> I  see the exact same behavior. In this example, plot(g1, "dot")
>>> works fine, but as soon as "neato"
>>> or "twopi" is selected:
>>> Host Name:      Robs-Laptop
>>> Date/Time:      2006-08-18 21:29:07.564 -0700
>>> OS Version:     10.4.7 (Build 8J135)
>>> Report Version: 4
>>> Command: R
>>> Path:    /Users/rob/Projects/Mac-GUI/build/Development/R.app/ 
>>> Contents/
>>> MacOS/R
>>> Parent:  WindowServer [99]
>>> Version: 1.17-pre (3415)
>>> PID:    18865
>>> Thread: 0
>>> Exception:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
>>> Codes:      KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000000
>>> Thread 0 Crashed:
>>> 0   libpack.2.dylib                	0x04fb50d4 packGraphs + 240
>>> (pack.c:778)
>>> 1   libpack.2.dylib                	0x04fb5324 packSubgraphs + 32
>>> (pack.c:827)
>>> 2   ...plugin_neato_layout.2.dylib 	0x06b5ad34 twopi_layout + 408
>>> (twopiinit.c:118)
>>> 3   libgvc.2.dylib                 	0x06807510 gvLayoutJobs + 100
>>> (gvlayout.c:69)
>>> 4   libgvc.2.dylib                 	0x0680a604 gvLayout + 64  
>>> (gvc.c:71)
>>> 5   Rgraphviz.so                   	0x04f3b754 Rgraphviz_doLayout
>>> +  508 (Rgraphviz.c:429)
>>> ...
>>> Happens both with the the binaries from Simon's web site + the
>>> Rgraphiz binary and if I build
>>> them from sources.
>> I can't reproduce it on my system where I've built everything from
>> source.  I'm not convinced the tests you've done are what you think
>> they are.  R can be very tricky in how it forces certain libs to get
>> picked up.
>> Can anyone else reproduce and provide details on versions of  
>> graphviz,
>> Rgraphviz, R...
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