[R-SIG-Mac] installing packages message

David Airey david.airey at vanderbilt.edu
Sat Oct 29 04:56:50 CEST 2005

I have installed version 2.2.0 or R and I am getting a message when  
trying to install packages I've not seen before. Can anyone explain  

"Currently it is not possible to install binary packages from a  
remote repository as root.
Please use the CRAN binary of R to allow admin users to install  
system-wide packages without becoming root. Alternatively you can  
either use command-line version of R as root or install the packages  
from local files."

Hmmm...I was about to send this and I tried again. After some delay  
and console errors, I got a request for my user password. I typed  
this in and got a desired response. Subsequent package installations  
did not require a password.

All this was with installing packages to the system R framework  
rather that user folder.


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