[R-SIG-Mac] rgl native port - volunteers?

Daniel Adler dadler at uni-goettingen.de
Fri May 27 09:56:16 CEST 2005

Simon Urbanek wrote:
> Recently I saw quite a bunch of posts about rgl here. Daniel & co  
> stated that the system is very modular, thus porting it to another  
> platform is not hard (they have X11 and Windows modules so far). In  
> theory it shouldn't be hard because the OpenGL framework uses cross- 
> platform API, so all that is needed is to take care of the window  
> creation and mouse handling. I would hope that there are enough  people 
> using Macs nowadays so a few of them should be familiar enough  with C 
> to give it a shot ... or am I wrong?

It is possible. I wrote a carbon backend which runs fine - sadly, i got 
a complete source tree crash before commiting the
port into cvs. I have relaunched the port.
Sorry to say, currently i'm very busy with other tasks and the current
source is in heavy development stage ... but if you'd like to have
sneak preview on the source tree


you'll find the new stub of a future carbon port in src/osxgui.cpp -
the svn server is currently in beta-testing stage (its not the official 
one, but will become the new home)

Don't expect to find a complete carbon implementation - there is only 
the event-looping stuff , keyboard/mouse and dragging has not been 
(re)-written again.



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