[R-SIG-Mac] Hmisc still not available in binaries

Rob J Goedman goedman at mac.com
Sun May 15 03:51:09 CEST 2005

Hi Denis,

To install the source version of Hmisc on CRAN, with the latest R/ 
R.app (R-2.1.0a.dmg)
installed, the only thing you need is to install the g77 v3.4 Fortran  
compiler. One of the many
improvements in this latest update is that R will select the right  
gcc for you on Panther and

As usual, the compiler is available from http://hpc.sourceforge.net .

With the above Fortran compiler installed, you should be able to  
install nearly all CRAN and
BioC packages from source, although it will be much faster to install  
the binaries whenever


On May 14, 2005, at 3:22 PM, Denis Chabot wrote:

> Hi,
> Many months ago I asked why Hmisc did not show up in binaries  
> available for Mac on CRAN. I got answers about it not passing some  
> of the tests, and someone (Stefano I think) said he'd look into it.  
> In the mean time I had compiled it and the functions I needed did  
> work, so there was no rush.
> But now that I switched to R 2.1, to Tiger, and to a new Mac, I am  
> no longer able to compile. The multiple versions of C available in  
> my developer tools make me uncertain as to what fortran I should  
> get, for one thing. So I'm taking the lazy way out, did someone  
> compile Hmisc for R 2.1 and would be willing to send it to me? Last  
> fall the author of Hmisc, Frank Harrell, seemed surprise his  
> package did not compile on Mac and I think he'd help fix this if  
> someone more knowledgeable than me told him where the problem lies.
> Thanks,
> Denis
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