[R-SIG-Mac] Fwd: gcc4 R binary?

Simon Urbanek simon.urbanek at r-project.org
Wed Jun 29 22:52:18 CEST 2005


On Jun 29, 2005, at 4:38 PM, Joel Bremson wrote:

> I'm looking for for the gcc-4.0 compiled binary for OSX.

What exactly are referring to? If by "the [...] binary" you mean CRAN  
binary then there is no such thing, because gcc4 (mostly the fortran  
part of it) is still very experimental and instable to produce an  
official binary. Also note that it is reported that binaries compiled  
by gfortran tend to be slower than those complied using g77, so we  
stick with gcc3 for now as there are no immediate benefits (except  
maybe for building 64-bit version, but that is surely not useful for  
the mainstream until all parts of OS X are 64-bit).

There are some 3rd-party gcc4 binaries around and you'll find them if  
you look into the recent archives of this list.


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