[R-SIG-Mac] Call R framework from my own Cocoa app?

Demitri Muna thatsanicehatyouhave at mac.com
Mon Jun 27 18:32:34 CEST 2005


I recently started using R and have found it quite interesting. One  
thing that I would like to do is be able to work with it in a more  
interactive fashion. I have a huge amount of data to view, and I'm  
envisioning some kind of GUI to more easily navigate it.

Is it possible to write a Cocoa application for the gui? I am an  
experienced Mac programmer and can write a front end very quickly.  
The question I have is how to control the R display from my app. I  
can think of two ways to do it:

1 - Send the R commands to (R.app? command line R?) to be displayed  
on an X11 window (or possibly in R.app?).

2 - Is there a reasonably easy way to call the R framework from my  
app, create a script internally, and display the result it in my own  

I'd *love* to be able to do no. 2. :)



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