[R-SIG-Mac] RGL again

stefano iacus jago at mclink.it
Thu Jul 21 09:32:33 CEST 2005

On 21/lug/05, at 07:44, Bill Northcott wrote:

> On 20/07/2005, at 7:08 PM, r-sig-mac-request at stat.math.ethz.ch wrote:
>> on Tiger, with R 2.1.1 from CRAN, if you install rgl with
>> install.packages("rgl",type="source"), the rgl package builds fine
>> (apart for small ld warnings) but the result is as reported by
>> Anestis. If you don't have libpng in the system this doesn't hurt
>> compilation.
>> You can install libpng in your system but this doesn't fix the  
>> problem.
> How does the build work?  As far as I could see the code in  
> scene.cpp:1993-1994 is clearly incompatible with Apple's OpenGL  
> header file.  Perhaps it is because you are using gcc-3.3 which  
> does not recognise the error.
yes, I'm assuming gcc 3.3 as I'm talking about R 2.1.1 from CRAN.
I am aware about the fixing you propose for the rgl package: did you  
received any answer from Daniel Adler ?

> Bill

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