[R-SIG-Mac] Fwd: mail an die liste

Nathan Weisz nathan.weisz at uni-konstanz.de
Mon Jul 4 14:28:51 CEST 2005

A student of mine asked me to forward this question to the list. He  
uses R Version 2.1 on OS X 10.3.9.


Begin forwarded message:

> hi!
> im trying to use sounds with r using the "sound"-package. as you  
> need to
> provide it with a proper sound-player i spent hours looking for one  
> that
> can do the job. up to now i havnt found anything suitable. i tried
> "sndplay" which just refuses to terminate also when i run it from the
> commandline. mplayer doesnt seem to be able to produce output. sox  
> cant do
> sound over the os-x api...
> has someone been successful in sending out sounds on a mac???
> thanx in advance!!

Nathan Weisz

University of Konstanz
Department of Psychology
78457 Konstanz, Germany

Tel.: ++49-7531-884612
Chat-AV: nweisz at mac.com


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