[R-SIG-Mac] FIXED - Error compiling gnlm package from source -FIXED

Simon Urbanek simon.urbanek at r-project.org
Thu Dec 1 16:11:12 CET 2005


just a side note:

On Dec 1, 2005, at 4:40 AM, John Vaul wrote:

> I have now managed to get the gnlm package installed from source.

Possibly you may want to notify the package maintainer that his  
package is broken by not using all necessary linker flags from R. If  
you compile an R package using R makefiles, it will supply - 
lcc_dynamic automatically. It is discouraged to use custom Makefiles  
in packages as they are neither portable nor reliable - and in most  
cases unnecessary.

> Adding the -lcc_dynamic flag to the Makefile does the trick. There  
> is a discussion this at:

This was also discussed on this list many times ... ;)


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