[R-SIG-Mac] installation of source library with fortran code

Rob J Goedman goedman at mac.com
Tue Nov 23 23:31:20 CET 2004

Simon and Gareth,

I think this path is taken if Save As is chosen with Quartz as the key 
window. By adding
below method into the file RQuartz.m (I did it just above the 
saveDocument method) the
problem is resolved.

- (IBAction)saveDocumentAs:(id)sender
	[self saveDocument:nil];

Gareth, please let me know if you occasionally build R yourself, use 
the nightly
version from Simon or the general distribution from Stefano. If 
possible I would
like to get you a version to verify if this indeed solves the problem.


On Nov 22, 2004, at 9:34 AM, Simon Urbanek wrote:

> On Nov 22, 2004, at 5:59 PM, stefano iacus wrote:
>> Umh, we are trying to see what the problem is. To overcome this 
>> problem press "esc", then R should continue to work.
> I think this one is not the same as the long-paste-problem. I suspect 
> that this one was introduced by the external editor support. Rob, can 
> you, please, check it? Please correct me if I'm wrong. Unfortunately 
> I'm overly busy the next week [and w/o my desktop computer], so I 
> won't be able to check it :(.
> Gareth, can you, please, try to find a reproducible example? That 
> would help localizing it more precisely .. Thanks.
> Cheers,
> Simon
>> On Nov 22, 2004, at 2:56 AM, Gareth Janacek wrote:
>>> My version of R has taken to stopping  every now and again with the 
>>> following error
>>> 2004-11-22 09:21:45.928 R[1428]
>>>  *** NSTimer discarding exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException' 
>>> (reason 'dataRepresentationOfType: is a subclass responsibility but 
>>> has not been overridden.') that raised during firing of timer with 
>>> target 3b0ff0 and selector 'runRELP:'
>>> I'm running OS X 10.3.6 and am at a loss as to where to start 
>>> tracking this. Any suggestions?
>>> G.J.
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