[R-SIG-Mac] Call to configure for R-devel on Mac OS X (Darwin)

Thomas Lumley tlumley at u.washington.edu
Wed Nov 17 19:32:33 CET 2004

On Wed, 17 Nov 2004, Douglas Bates wrote:

> I'm just getting started building R-devel on an Apple compute server. I'm 
> familiar with Unix/Linux and especially with Debian so fink is familiar. 
> However, I don't know anything about Frameworks, etc.
> I think I want to use the vecLib.framework because these machines are 
> dual-processor and it looks as if the R-2.0.0 binary uses threaded BLAS here. 
> Should I be using a --with-blas=<whatever> switch to configure or something 
> like that?

Yes:  --with-blas="-framework vecLib" --with-lapack

> At present I am using
> setenv CPPFLAGS "-I/sw/include"
> setenv LDFLAGS "-L/sw/lib"
> $R_SRC/configure \
>  --with-pcre \
>  --with-bzlib \
>  --with-zlib \
>  --with-recommended \
>  --enable-R-shlib \
>  --enable-R-profiling
> and I am encountering problems compiling the lapack module.  I imagine this 
> is due to accessing the fink version of libg77.a.  Could someone volunteer to 
> do a bit of off-line hand holding for me regarding this problem?

I can try.


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