[R-SIG-Mac] unable to install package labdsv

Simon Urbanek Simon.Urbanek at math.uni-augsburg.de
Thu Jul 1 18:15:31 CEST 2004

On Jul 1, 2004, at 4:07 PM, Denis Chabot wrote:

> I am new to R but I'd like to learn while also reviewing statistical 
> techniques that I feel will be useful to me in the near future. I 
> found the labs prepared by
> http://labdsv.nr.usu.edu/splus_R/index.html
> a very useful way to start with R. But they recommend 2 packages, 
> Vegan and LabDSV.
> The former is available on CRAN and I successfully installed it. The 
> second can be found, as a source package (I apologize if this is not 
> the proper term for it), on:
> http://labdsv.nr.usu.edu/download/labdsv.html

It's not your fault - the "thing" they offer for download is not a 
valid R package - it's rather a big mess.

To make it installable at all, you have to perform following steps:

# just copy/paste the following to a Terminal window:
cd /tmp
curl -O http://labdsv.nr.usu.edu/download/labdsv_0.9-2.zip
unzip labdsv_0.9-2.zip labdsv/DESCRIPTION
curl -O http://labdsv.nr.usu.edu/download/labdsv_0.9-1.tar.gz
cd labdsv
tar fvxz ../labdsv_0.9-1.tar.gz
rm man/template.Rd
rm src/*.o src/*.so
rm src/altmaxpact.f
open -a TextEdit.app man/confus.Rd

# now a TextEdit should open. go to the third line and replace 
\title}Confusion Table} with \title{Confusion Table} - simply the first 
bracket is reversed
# save the file and get back to the terminal and copy/paste the 

open -a TextEdit.app DESCRIPTION

# again TextEdit opens; delete the last line saying "Built: ..."; save, 
get back to Terminal and copy/paste following:

cd ..

That should do the trick and the (wanna-be) package labdsv is installed 
(you need g77 for that of course, but you said Stefano helped you with 
that). The package contains several errors and is not on CRAN for good 
reason ... it'd never make the tests.

I hope it helps.

Simon Urbanek
Department of computer oriented statistics and data analysis
University of Augsburg
Universitätsstr. 14
86135 Augsburg

Tel: +49-821-598-2236
Fax: +49-821-598-2200

Simon.Urbanek at Math.Uni-Augsburg.de

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