[R-SIG-Mac] Help.start() issues

Stefano Iacus jago at mclink.it
Mon Nov 17 19:03:58 MET 2003

I don't think you'll be successfull to doing search from the browser 
(any apart old versions of Netscape apparently).

If you cannot even start safari from RAqua that hte problem comes from 
the libiconv library which is in your /usr/local/lib.
You should have a llok at the Console application when trying to do 
this, it should report an error on that.
Pnather has a new version of libiconv library which is backward 
compatible. Have a look at the RAqua faq 

You can try to use the help.search from inside R which has a menu item 
in the Hepl menu.
If you don't like the internal viwer but you prefer a browser, just set 
the option


and it will open html help files


On Lunedì, nov 17, 2003, at 18:20 Europe/Rome, George W. Gilchrist 

> Simon,
> I'm just not living right... Camino loads up fine, but I cannot search 
> for
> anything on the R help page. I'm not sure what the problem is. Several 
> folks
> have reported this in the past with the last solution I found to be to 
> use
> Netscape 7.0 or earlier. Yet I see folks talking about using Safari or
> Camino successfully, but it does not happen for me. Thanks for your
> comments, though!
> Cheers, George
> On 11/17/03 4:58 AM, "Simon Urbanek" 
> <Simon.Urbanek at math.uni-augsburg.de>
> wrote:
>> On Nov 14, 2003, at 3:25 PM, George W. Gilchrist wrote:
>>> Sorry to bother folks, but what browsers are known to work for
>>> help.start()
>>> on OS X (just installed Panther...)? I use Safari for most things, 
>>> but
>>> it
>>> does not seem to work for /usr/local/lib/R/doc/html/index.html.
>>> Something
>>> about the Java script involved in searching does not run correctly. I
>>> have
>>> the same problem with Netscape 7.1. The last "success" I had was with
>>> Netscape 7.0. Does anyone have a better suggestion?
>> I'm using Camino and it works perfectly out of the box ... (I just set
>> it up in Apple's Internet Preferences).
>> Cheers,
>> Simon
>> ---
>> Simon Urbanek
>> Department of computer oriented statistics and data analysis
>> University of Augsburg
>> Universitätsstr. 14
>> 86135 Augsburg
>> Germany
>> Tel: +49-821-598-2236
>> Fax: +49-821-598-2200
>> Simon.Urbanek at Math.Uni-Augsburg.de
>> http://simon.urbanek.info
> ==================================================================
> George W. Gilchrist                        Email #1: gwgilc at wm.edu
> Department of Biology, Box 8795          Email #2: kitesci at cox.net
> College of William & Mary                    Phone: (757) 221-7751
> Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795                    Fax: (757) 221-6483
> http://gwgilc.people.wm.edu/
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