[R-SIG-Mac]splancs library does not work

Stefano Iacus jago@mclink.it
Fri, 2 Aug 2002 22:41:23 +0200

I'm talking about binary builds for the Carbon R because as far I have 
understood Jean is using carbon R (rm151 is the folder cited in his 

Of course under MaxOS X there is no need to have binaries, R CMD install 
is enough.

Only one remark: new iMac that ship with OSX does not include the 
developers package, i.e. gcc and related tools. For this people Jan 
build will be the only solution.

On Venerdė, agosto 2, 2002, at 07:20 , A.J. Rossini wrote:

>>>>>> "stefano" == Stefano Iacus <jago@mclink.it> writes:
>     stefano> Hy Jean,
>     stefano> both packages are now on CRAN. I remind you that they are 
> under the
>     stefano> directory
>     stefano> /bin/macos/contrib/rm151
> Stefano - are these binary or source builds?
>     stefano> On Venerdė, agosto 2, 2002, at 12:04 , Jean-Pierre Gattuso 
> wrote:
>     stefano> Hi:
>     stefano> I have downloaded the splancs library from CRAN but cannot 
> make it
>     stefano> work. I have done as I usually do: put the folder into
>     stefano> Applications:rm151:library folder. I noticed that splancs 
> required the
>     stefano> stepfun and chron library. I donwloaded and installed 
> chron as
>     stefano> described above.
>     stefano> below is the output I get:
>     stefano>        > library(stepfun)
>     stefano>      > library(chron)
>     stefano>        Warning message:
>     stefano>        Package  `chron' contains no R code in: 
> library(chron)
>     stefano>  > library(splancs)
>     stefano>      Warning message:
>     stefano>        Package  `splancs' contains no R code in: 
> library(splancs)
>     stefano> Do you have any idea about what I am doing wrong?
> If they are source builds (this can happen when you treat source
> packages like binaries), you will have to install them (i.e. R INSTALL
> packagefile) from the command line (I'm assuming OS X, Darwin build,
> not sure about the native build).
> best,
> -tony
> --
> A.J. Rossini				Rsrch. Asst. Prof. of Biostatistics
> U. of Washington Biostatistics		rossini@u.washington.edu	
> FHCRC/SCHARP/HIV Vaccine Trials Net	rossini@scharp.org
> -------------- http://software.biostat.washington.edu/ ----------------
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