[R-SIG-Mac]splancs library does not work
A.J. Rossini
02 Aug 2002 10:20:08 -0700
>>>>> "stefano" == Stefano Iacus <jago@mclink.it> writes:
stefano> Hy Jean,
stefano> both packages are now on CRAN. I remind you that they are under the
stefano> directory
stefano> /bin/macos/contrib/rm151
Stefano - are these binary or source builds?
stefano> On Venerdė, agosto 2, 2002, at 12:04 , Jean-Pierre Gattuso wrote:
stefano> Hi:
stefano> I have downloaded the splancs library from CRAN but cannot make it
stefano> work. I have done as I usually do: put the folder into
stefano> Applications:rm151:library folder. I noticed that splancs required the
stefano> stepfun and chron library. I donwloaded and installed chron as
stefano> described above.
stefano> below is the output I get:
stefano> > library(stepfun)
stefano> > library(chron)
stefano> Warning message:
stefano> Package `chron' contains no R code in: library(chron)
stefano> > library(splancs)
stefano> Warning message:
stefano> Package `splancs' contains no R code in: library(splancs)
stefano> Do you have any idea about what I am doing wrong?
If they are source builds (this can happen when you treat source
packages like binaries), you will have to install them (i.e. R INSTALL
packagefile) from the command line (I'm assuming OS X, Darwin build,
not sure about the native build).
A.J. Rossini Rsrch. Asst. Prof. of Biostatistics
U. of Washington Biostatistics rossini@u.washington.edu
FHCRC/SCHARP/HIV Vaccine Trials Net rossini@scharp.org
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