
Andrew Beckerman a.p.beckerman@stir.ac.uk
Wed, 27 Jun 2001 14:00:14 +0100

Hello -

I have used data.dump in SPLUS 2000 on winNT to create a file for 
import in to R-Mac.

The file is 7.7mb.

I have a powerbook 2400c with 80mb ram, and allocate 60 to R when in use.

The file will not restore using data.restore: R quits after 30 sec., 
possibly because it uses all the memory?  Any ideas?  (I have had 
plenty of success with files up to 30k, so its not the coding).

Cheers, (and sorry for the forced disclaimer from the university... 
if its there).
Andrew Beckerman			(w) +44 (0)1786 467808
Institute of Biological Science		(fax) +44 (0)1786 464994
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