[R-SIG-Mac]plot hidden grid lines
Peter Paul Sint
Fri, 13 Jul 2001 14:30:05 +0200
Dear Stefano,
It is hard to plot hidden grid lines, e.g. in barplot, covered by the bars.
I do it by doing the barplot, drawing the grid, and painting the bars again (see appendix). Not very satisfactory (and concerning the slow graphics further reducing speed). It comes near to rewriting barplot. If you advise me on the original code to determine the axes (and how to get the appropriate panel variables = what par() 's are used? Are the par()s /din,fin,pin,mai.../ enough or do I need more?) I would do this for my puposes.
But there is a better solution:
What is missing is an implementation of panel.first
See example in plot.default {base} :
> data(cars)
> Speed <- cars$speed
> Distance <- cars$dist
> plot(Speed, Distance, panel.first = grid(8,8),
+ pch = 0, cex = 1.2, col = "blue")
plot(Speed, Distance,
panel.first = lines(lowess(Speed, Distance), lty = "dashed"),
pch = 0, cex = 1.2, col = "blue")
Another way may be to use par(new=T) for continuing to paint on an empty plot?
(I do not know if axis are set up un a comparable way).
May be somebody has a better solution?
My present solution
bargrid<- function(jjin,beside1=F,horiz1=F,Xlim=NA,Ylim=NA,...) {
if(is.na(Ylim)) { if(is.na(Xlim))
jjbp<- barplot(jjin,horiz=horiz1,beside=beside1,axes=F,...) else
jjbp<- barplot(jjin,horiz=horiz1,beside=beside1,xlim=Xlim,axes=F,...) } else {
{jjbp<- barplot(jjin,horiz=horiz1,beside=beside1,ylim=Ylim,axes=F,...)} else
jjbp<- barplot(jjin,horiz=horiz1,beside=beside1,xlim=Xlim,ylim=Ylim,axes=F,...) }
#if(is.vector(jjin)) jjm<- matrix(jjin,1,length(jjin));
if(is.vector(jjin)) { jjm<- matrix(jjin,length(jjin),1);
#jju<- rep(0,length(jjin)
jju<- jjm
col1<- heat.colors(length(jjm));
} else
{ jjm<- jjin;
# col1<- rep(heat.colors(jjd1),rep(jjd2,jjd1))
if(!is.matrix(jjm)) { cat ("\n Input must be matrix or vector\n") };
jjd1<- dim(jjm)[1]
jjnbarg<- jjd1
jjd2<- dim(jjm)[2]
col1<- rep(heat.colors(jjd1),rep(jjd2,jjd1))
jju<- apply(jjm,2,cumsum)
pretty1<- pretty(as.vector(jju))
if(beside1) { pretty1<- pretty(as.vector(jjm));col1<- heat.colors(jjd1) }
jjrectl<- jju-jjm
jjrectu<- jju
if(beside1) {jjrectl<- 0;jjrectu<- t(jjm); }
{if(!is.na(Xlim)) { pretty2<- pretty(c(0,Xlim[2]));
#cat("Xlim=",Xlim," pretty2=",pretty2,"\n");
for(i in 1:length(pretty1))
abline(v=pretty2[i],lty="dashed"); axis(1,pretty2) } else
#lines(c(pretty2[i],pretty2[i]),c(0,jjbp[3,4]+1),lty="dashed") } else
rect( t(jjrectl),jjbp-0.5,t(jjrectu),jjbp+0.5,col=col1)
} else {
if(!is.na(Ylim)) { pretty2<- pretty(c(0,Xlim[2])); for(i in 1:length(pretty1))
abline(v=pretty2[i],lty="dashed"); axis(2,pretty2) } else
#lines(c(0,jjbp[3,4]),c(pretty1[i],pretty1[i]),lty="dashed") } else
rect( jjbp-0.5,t(jjrectl),jjbp+0.5,t(jjrectu),col=col1)
jjin<- 1:5
jjin<- matrix(1:12,3,4)
Peter Sint