[R-jobs] correct email: 2 job postings: Data Scientist­ Data Preparation AND Entry ­Level Marketing Statistician (San Diego, CA)

Lisa Solomon ||@@@ @end|ng |rom @@||ord-@y@tem@@com
Fri Feb 19 20:19:46 CET 2016

I apologize for posting a 2nd time.  My prior email had an incorrect email address for sending your resume.  This is now corrected.  Please send your resume, wage history and requirements to HR using salford-systems.com<mailto:HR using salford-systems.com>

From: Lisa Solomon
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2016 10:57 AM
To: 'r-sig-jobs using r-project.org'
Subject: 2 job postings: Data Scientist­ Data Preparation AND Entry ­Level Marketing Statistician (San Diego, CA)

2 job opportunities: Data Scientist- Data Preparation AND Entry-Level Marketing Statistician

(San Diego, CA)

Salford Systems is an advanced data mining software and consulting company based in San Diego, California. We enjoy an open, creative environment, and have developed an international reputation for cutting-edge technology. Salford Systems is affiliated with several of the world's greatest scientists in the field of machine learning, and leads the data mining industry with exciting, innovative products.

R-related qualifications:

·         Minimum qualifications include:

o   Masters Degree in Statistics or related

o   2 years relevant work experience including statistical software (R, S­Plus, SAS, or similar), databases and scripting languages (such as Python). (Marketing Statistician, Data Scientist)

o   Ability to work with raw data sources in a variety of formats (Data Scientist)

·         Responsibilities may include:

o   Working with our technical and marketing departments to prepare data that will be used for promotional projects and consulting projects  (Marketing Statistician, Data Scientist)

o   Scraping, merging, cleaning, formatting and repurposing of publicly available datasets.(Marketing Statistician, Data Scientist)

o   Add classical statistical approaches to data mining approaches to enhance our consulting projects. (Marketing Statistician)

·         Preferred qualifications include:

o   Ability to add open­source and classical statistical approaches to data mining approaches to enhance our consulting projects and participation in data mining competitions. (Data Scientist)

·         Link to full job descriptions:

o   Marketing Statistician: http://static1.squarespace.com/static/56c652f0746fb9697855ecc2/t/56c6944762cd9453ad11d58e/1455854664623/MarketingStatisticianjobdescription.docx.pdf

o   Data Scientist- Data Preparation: http://static1.squarespace.com/static/56c652f0746fb9697855ecc2/t/56c6948601dbae8adb1ca38c/1455854728915/DataScientistjobdescription.docx-4.pdf

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