[R-jobs] Quick programming in R calling social network routines?

Fabrice |c@@p@m @end|ng |rom y@hoo@|r
Thu Jun 7 23:48:22 CEST 2007

I'm looking for someone to do a quick freelance programming in R to do some
network analysis. I'm a researcher with no knowledge in R (doing all my
statistics analysis in Stata and network analysis in  UCINET). I would like
to quickly test the possibility to do batch network analyses using R.


The freelance should therefore write a small program that would take as
input a file describing a bunch of social network (provided), then call some
routines that exist in the social network package provided at
http://erzuli.ss.uci.edu/R.stuff/. It would then produce both some measures
per network, and some measures per individual in each network.


I believe this thing may take only a few dozen lines for someone who has a
reasonable command of R; overall, no less than a few hours for someone with
good command of the language, mainly just to understand the logic of the
social network of the routines (I can explain fully). The reason I want to
outsource it is that it would take me days (or worse) to get it to work.


Once I get it, I'll decide whether and how I move forward.


Please, do let me know (fcaspam using yahoo.fr) if you're interested.



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