[R-sig-hpc] compiling R 2.15.0 to link to open MPI

Rodney Sparapani rsparapa at mcw.edu
Wed Apr 11 16:49:19 CEST 2012

Rodney Sparapani wrote:
> Hi Jim:
> Well, from my experience, you don't link OpenMPI/MPICH2/etc. with the
> R binary per se.  You build R the usual way.  And, then you do an
> R CMD INSTALL Rmpi.tgz
> At that stage, you will need to be concerned with whether the 
> appropriate headers and libraries exist.  This step will give somewhat 
> informative feedback about that.
> Rodney

I should also add that there is a clever trick that appeared here; and 
maybe this is what you were missing.  At the beginning of your R shell
script you may need something like...



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