[R-gui] plot.new() within tkrplot, coplot

James Wettenhall wettenhall at wehi.edu.au
Sat Jun 26 10:25:29 CEST 2004


Does anyone know a good way to get rid of warnings like:
Warning message: 
calling par(new=) with no plot 

when using an R plot function which calls plot.new() 
(e.g. coplot) from within tkrplot?

For example:

tt <- tktoplevel()
plotFun <- function() {
  coplot(lat ~ long | depth, data = quakes)
img <- tkrplot(tt,fun=plotFun)

Warning message: 
calling par(new=) with no plot 


The plot looks fine in the Tk window, but I'm just 
wondering whether I can get rid of the warning message.

On a similar subject, does anyone have any general advice on 
whether it is best to pass main="Plot Title" directly to the 
plot function or whether it is best to use title() for ploting
within tkrplot?  Or doesn't it matter?  I'm having trouble 
finding a reproducible example now, but I have experienced 
errors like: 
"Cannot set parameter main in high-level plot function", 

and I wonder whether these errors are related to using tkrplot 
and R2HTML's HTMLplot, rather than the regular R graphics device.


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