[R-gui] New version of Rcmdr package

John Fox jfox at mcmaster.ca
Wed Aug 4 19:40:13 CEST 2004

Dear R-GUI list members,

I'm working towards the 1.0-0 release of the Rcmdr package in September. The
current version, which I've just uploaded to CRAN, is 0.9-10. This version
is also available on my web site, at

I've made substantial changes to the package since the useR! Conference in
May. For example, the size of the code has been reduced by about 40 percent
-- mostly by using macro-like functions to generate common elements of
dialogs, such as sets of radio buttons, check boxes, and OK/Cancel/Help
buttons (and these functions might be useful to others who are using the
tcltk package); by default R output is now routed to an output window within
the Commander; and several new capabilities have been added to the package.
All this is detailed in the CHANGES file.

The principal reason that I'm writing to the list is that it would be
helpful if people could try out the new version on various platforms and let
me know whether there are any problems. I'm leaving town for a couple of
weeks next Monday, but should have time to deal with issues that arise when
I return.


John Fox
Department of Sociology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario
Canada L8S 4M4

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