[R-gui] problems with rcmdr

John Fox jfox at mcmaster.ca
Thu May 15 13:44:35 MEST 2003

Dear Xavier,

I haven't seen this problem before, and I've installed and run Rcmdr 
successfully on Windows XP under R1.7.0. I'm not sure what the origin of 
the problem is, but here are some clues:

(1) The .onAttach function for the package loads three packages tlctk, car, 
and foreign (in that order). Clearly, you've gotten at least as far as car.

(2) I note that you have an older version of car. The version meant for R 
1.7.0 won't give you warnings about masked objects, since these functions 
have been incorporated in the base package.

(3) I notice that you didn't capitalize Rcmdr in the library command. I'm 
not sure that this matters (under Windows), but it might.

Please let me know if you get any farther with this.

Sorry for the problem,

At 06:03 PM 5/15/2003 +0200, Xavier Solé wrote:
>Hello listers,
>I have installed (succesfully?) packages car and rcmdr under my windows xp
>machine, but when I try to start rcmdr I get this error:
> > library(rcmdr)
>Attaching package 'car':
>         The following object(s) are masked from package:base :
>          dfbeta dfbeta.lm dfbetas dfbetas.lm hatvalues hatvalues.lm
>influence influence.glm influence.lm rstudent rstudent.glm rstudent.lm
>Error in .path.package(package = "Rcmdr") :
>         none of the packages are loaded
>Error in runHook(".onAttach", ns, dirname(nspath), nsname) :
>         .onAttach failed
>Error in library(rcmdr) : package/namespace load failed
>Could someone help me? I'm using R 1.7.
>Thank you very much,
>R-SIG-GUI mailing list
>R-SIG-GUI at stat.math.ethz.ch

John Fox
Department of Sociology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4M4
email: jfox at mcmaster.ca
phone: 905-525-9140x23604
web: www.socsci.mcmaster.ca/jfox

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