[R-gui] Another R-GUI

Duncan Murdoch dmurdoch@pair.com
Mon, 25 Nov 2002 12:26:34 -0500

On Mon, 25 Nov 2002 17:38:45 +0100, you wrote:

>OK, now I see why we are not in phase: you speak about a dialog box
>definition file used by the compiler. At this point it is very easy to add
>other "widgets". It is exactly the same for Visual Basic. On the other hand,
>I talk about a dialog box specification file that can be used to create a
>dialog box *at run time*, that is by a compiled program (being written in
>Delphi, Visual Basic, Java, C, or whatever,...). This is definitively a
>different matter! 

No, not necessarily.  For example, Delphi can create the dialog box
based on the text representation at run time or at compile time.  At
compile time, all it does is translate the text representation into a
binary equivalent, and include that as a resource in the executable;
when the program starts, the dialog is constructed based on that data.

If you wanted to create it at run-time, you just create the binary
structure in some other way, and then execute the same code to
actually create the dialog.  For example, the IDE of Delphi is written
in Delphi, and that's how it creates the forms at design time.

There are still issues of registering types (it needs to know what
TButton or TForm3 means).

Duncan Murdoch